Friday, November 2, 2012

The News Today

I heard today that an old schoolfriend died last week at the age of 58.
Also my dad is not feeling so well these days.
And some strange problems at work about work and holiday hours. I will not bore you with that.

And then a funny story:
When I walked home today I saw a cute tall handsome guy coming my way. I thought 'WOW!' I told myself to look cool and interesting, and not to blush.
I saw this cute guy put off his sunglasses to look at me, and I thought WOW he's looking at me!!!!! 
So we came closer and closer ........ and then I saw it was my friend A!!!!
He told me that he also had thought by himself: Hey, there's a goodlooking woman! 
Of course I took him home to have tea together. 

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