Sunday, September 30, 2012

Lovely Shoot Today

We did a wonderful photoshoot today. The weather was beautiful and we had a lot of fun! Thanks to all models and photographers!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Today's News

Not much news today. I tried to upload the pages for the October issue of the Models and Friends site but this didn't go very well. I have to work on it more tomorrow. I also did some housecleaning. Nothing much on television.....

Friday, September 28, 2012

First Song to Listen to the Whole Day


The first song that I loved so much that I listened to it the whole day was
Take to the Mountains by Richard Barnes. I even had the transistor radio under my pillow at night till about three o'clock to keep listening.
I was fifteen then.

Here's the song:

And the lyrics:,Take-to-the-Mountains.html 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Cha Cha Cha....Changes...!!!

There's more and more changes at the workfloor.
I worked for many hours on the new ward this week
and today I hear that I will work on another new 
ward starting next week.

Never a dull moment, and I need to be very flexible!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It's one of those days, you know...


I was easily angry today!
F*** the World!!
Some things were really not my fault.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012



A strange day overall!
I worked on my own now on the new ward, 
which went well!
Next the news that I had to fire 8 student-workers at my old workplace due to lack of work. People I worked with for 2-3 years.
Tonight a very stormy wind.
I feel strange.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Today's Models

Marlies and Jasper were my new models today. They are a couple.
They look cute together! The weather was fine for the shoot, so I was happy with everything.

Here's a link to more photographs! 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

This Weeks Highs and Lows



Apart from me lying in bed all week with a cold, there was more news this week.
The Queens annual speech about next year's economic policies was visited by Marianne Thieme of the Party for Animals who made a political fashionstatement by wearing a bullet belt with orange carrots. Real nice and funny.
And last night's party drama in the village of Haren nearby Groningen where thousands of people tried to visit a Sweet Sixteen Party of a girl who by accident sent her invitations on facebook to everyone.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

A Little Bit Better but Still in Bed


I think I'm a little bit better today.
I'm gonna eat a little more and be up on my feet a little more.
However I still feel quite a lot of pain in my body.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Painful Throat


Didn't sleep last night because of a very painful throat.
I'm home from work today to rest and get well.
Did I catch a cold when I was in the park on Sunday?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Models in the Park

Today's shoot was with Tineke en Roanne in the Noorderplantsoen.
We went shooting with five photographers and a make up artist.
I had a little trouble with the sharpness of the photographs.
The one above (Roanne) is very okay!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Voice III Last Night

I'm still following the new season of The Voice of Holland. Also last night when some new contestants amazed me with their performances. I liked Marco Oostra and Gerrie Dantuma. On the photo's above you see Marco Oostra and Ivar Oosterloo, two young guys that made a great impression.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Anton Corbijn


Last night I saw the documentary 'Inside Out' about Dutch photographer Anton Corbijn. He is really my favourite photographer because of his love for musicians and artists. I was born one day after Anton's day of birth so I feel a little bit of a time-twin-sister to him.

Here's more about Anton:

Here's the documentary:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

And the Winner is....


The happy person on the photo above is Mark Rutte, 
political leader of the dutch liberal party VVD who 
won the elections on Wednesday.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Who Will Win Today?


Today is Election Day in Holland. 
I had been unsure for a long while what to vote, 
but I chose another party today than I was used to in the last years.
Later today we will find out which way Dutch Politics are heading.

Monday, September 10, 2012

192 TV


On my TV I have this channel with older music called 192TV. 
I love watching it!
I found this funky number 'Devil's Gun' bij CJ and Co (1977). 
I never heard it before yesterday, but I like it very much. 
I couldn't find the original video but this one is okay too:

Sunday, September 9, 2012

More photo's from Aquazoo

Here is a link with more photographs taken at the Aquazoo animal park yesterday. The photo above is taken by my brother M.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Just came home from a lovely family day at the Aquazoo animal park in Leeuwarden. The weather was really fine and almost everyone of my cousins were present. 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Extremely Busy Day

I had an extremely busy day at work en after work, so far.
I will not tire you with every boring detail but I present you a photo of a beautiful pink flower from my own garden to end this day on a calm and happy note.


Thursday, September 6, 2012


                         Ketting met doodskoppen, schakels en steentjes

I went shopping with H today. I bought the necklace above for myself.
I'm really loving those big necklaces in today's trends.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ladies Who Lunch

I had lunch with L today at the hospital. I had soup and L had a Italian sandwich. We had fun and we made plans for our next photoshoot, possibly in October.

Monday, September 3, 2012

I'm on Teevee!

Wow! I just saw myself on TV! 
Regional Television OOG TV was broadcasting the Fashion Parade in Groningen and I saw myself in the first seconds wearing a white blouse (with a flap on the side) and a camera!
Can you see me too?