Saturday, June 30, 2012

Photographer Meindert as Special Guest

Photographer Meindert is Special Guest on my modelsite Models & Friends Groningen in July. He made really nice pictures about 'water'.

Please visit:

Friday, June 29, 2012

Waving Goodbye

We waved goodbye to colleague Karin today. She worked with us for more than ten years. The present we gave was a little owl for her collection.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Busy times at work. Everyday more to do and less people to do it, due to illness and absence. So tonight I feel tired and longing for my next holiday.
Also longing for more sunshine and warmth.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Photo Chain

This summer I am taking part in a photo chain organized by my photoclub.
The idea is that one member sends a self made photograph to the other member who has to make a photo that is inspired by the previous one and this new photopgraph is then sent to the next photoclub member. When summer is over we will see the complete photo chain!

Above the photo that I have sent.....

Monday, June 25, 2012

Temple of the Dog

The guys from Pearl Jam joined with Chris Cornell and Matt Cameron from Soundgarden in the band Temple of the Dog as a tribute to their friend Andy Wood of Mother Love Bone who died in 1990.

Here's their number Hunger Strike: 
(one of my all time favourites)

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Pearl Jam

Pearl Jam will be performing in Holland on Tuesday 26 th and Wednesday 27 th of June. I follow them from the beginning. 'Alive' was their breakthrough single in our country. Last night the documentary Pearl Jam Twenty was on teevee for the second time. I love them and their music!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Apricot Pie

Here is my freshly made apricot pie. 
I made it this afternoon.
Ingredients are apricots, grapefruit juice, milk, 
four eggs, vanilla sugar, puff paste.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Start of Summer

Summer 2012 starts with a lot of rain, a bit of sunshine and an outburst of pink roses hanging from the garden fence.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sleepy Pigeons


A couple of sleepy pigeons sitting together, fixing their feathers.
I saw them on Monday in the city while I was waiting for C to have lunch.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Today in the Hospital

The head of the hospital where I work is leaving today. In his honour there was a party with VIP's and music. I happen to know the blonde singer above. She did a good and humoristic performance.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Model Lizzy

Model Lizzy

Did I mention that I had a photoshoot with Lizzy on Sunday?
Here is one of the treehundred pictures I took. You can find more photo's on in the July issue.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Dutch Team Defeated

The Dutch Team were sent home yesterday by Portugal.
They didn't win one match in the UEFA Cup 2012.
Friend A and I (both dressed in orange) watched the game at his place.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

All Looks of Spring 2012

On my styleblog Fiftysomethingstyle I posted an overview of all the thirteen looks of Spring 2012.
Here is the link:

Friday, June 15, 2012

Summer Evening

In a couple of days it will be officially Summer! When I walked home last night through the city I came across these trees. A fairy tale atmosphere while the sun was slowly setting.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Boat Trip

We had a boat trip from work today. The journey went through the canals of Groningen. The weather was sunny and a little bit cold. Afterwards we had a pubquiz and a buffet. It was a nice day out.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Dutch Supporters

My colleagues are already preparing for the football game tonight between Holland and Germany. Wearing orange clothes will surely help the Dutch team on their way to win the European Championship. In 4 to 5 hours from now we will know if they've succeeded.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Model J.

As promised: here is a beautiful photograph of my niece J who was modelling for me on Sunday. I think she is very talented.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Paying a Visit

Me and niece M
Niece L

Doggy Reggie

I finally got to meet little niece M on Sunday. 
Also I played with niece L and doggy Reggie.
Tomorrow I will post some photographs from the modelshoot with niece J that were taken on Sunday.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Family Day


On Saturday I had a family day with members of my mother's family. The oldest person present was my dad (91) and the youngest person was Amarens (6 months).
We see eachother once in 2-3 years, talking, eating together and saturday evening even watching football together. The Netherlands against Denmark resulted in a 0 to 1 score, so that was a little dissapointing.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Blogs I follow

Sabrina Meijer
Apart from blogging myself I follow some other blogs. 
Here are the three blogs I follow on a daily basis.
a. by Dutch Sabrina Meijer because she has a 
very nice style and beautiful photographs:
b. A Beautiful Mess by Elsie Larson about style, recipes and creativity in general:
c. where I can watch all styleblogs in the world that interest me:

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Planning a New Modelshoot!

Modelshoot in May

I am busy planning a new modelshoot like the one in May. So, there will be maybe five models and five photographers shooting together.
The shoot will possibly take place in July.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

About Books


This year I've started reading books again. 
I stopped for a while because I was easily bored with reading.
Now I found new inspiration in reading the books of Brazilian writer Paolo Coelho.
I have read half of his total work this year and hoping to read the other half in the next months.

Monday, June 4, 2012

More Blonde

Today the hairdresser dyed my hair more blonde.
No picture available yet.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Someone Else's Birthday Party

I traveled to Friesland today to visit my brother's birthday party. 
He is 5 years younger than me.
My niece J and I played 'Just Dance'. 
The weather was cold and rainy.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

First Rose

Yellow Rose

The first yellow rose of the year is in bloom today! Normally it blooms exactly on the day of my birthday. This year however it's a little later, maybe because it has been a colder spring than normal.

Friday, June 1, 2012