Thursday, May 31, 2012

One More Birthday Present

A Big Heart

I started working again today after 10 days of spring holiday!
From my colleague T I received one more birthday present! 
A Big Heart!
A symbol that we both like! 
It's now hanging in my garden.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Hippie Era

The Book I'm Reading

I'm reading a lovely book about the hippie era in the USA in the period 1965 - 1975. The hippie philosophy that is described and investigated in this book is still appropriate for life as we know it today. While we are on our way into 'the Age of Aquarius' and 'Ascension' we could learn a lot from this hippie philosophy. The book is written by Philip Lievens in 1979 and I bought it in a second hand shop.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Music Overdose

Anouk at Pinkpop

Although I already had an overdose of music this past weekend I missed one artist: Dutch singer Anouk's performance was not broadcasted on TV. 
Here's a track from youtube to make the Pinkpop weekend complete....
Anouk with Down and Dirty.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Weekend Activities

Apart from watching Pinkpop and getting a tan in the garden I have been sewing a new top and I have been walking through the park in the evening with friend A.
I'm still happy about the warm and sunny weather!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Weekend Full of Music

This is a weekend full of music! Starting with the Eurovision Song Contest which was won by Loreen from Sweden with her song Euphoria. 
Next is Pinkpop, the famous Dutch music festival, with a lot of musicians that I like. For example: The Asteroids Galaxy Tour, Ben Howard, Babylon Circus, The Kyteman Orchestra. 
Around midnight there was a documentary about Bruce Springsteen and his E street band with the unforgettable Clarence Clemons. 
And it is not over yet! Tomorrow another long day of music and flashbacks!

Saturday, May 26, 2012


I just came home from staying two days in the countryside at the farm of my colleague H. 
Nature was beautiful! H has sheep walking in her garden and her house is nicely decorated. 
On Friday we've spent a couple of hours styling her wardrobe. 
On Saturday we went vintage shopping in several shops. I came home with the nice cardigan on the last photo.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


I made a pie filled with food leftovers from my birthday party.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


What a wonderful day! The weather is so nice. It feels like summer! Temperatures are about 26 - 28 degrees. In another part of Holland temperatures are measured from a tropical 30 to 31 degrees! 
I can be outside because I have a couple of days off. 
Maybe tonight there will be some rain or thunder.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Birthday Party Part III and IV

A sweet present from colleague G
Cozy interior of 'The Three Sisters'
Choosing from the menu

So, at last my birthday parties are over! I had four! 
Yesterday I was with my colleagues (see photo above for the nice present I got) and later I spent the evening with friend A in restaurant 'The Three Sisters'.
Now I have to rest a little bit and enjoy my presents and birthday cards.
The weather is still perfect! It feels like summer with the twenty six degrees temperature!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Birthday Party Part II

Today I celebrated my birthday with my family. The weather was perfect!
Two nephews came on motorbikes with their partner! My young niece J brought a friend. My parents were also present. Everything went well!
Tomorrow will be my real birthday and I will celebrate the day with my colleagues and my friend A.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Remembering Donna

Donna Summer
Singer Donna Summer died on May 17 at the age of 63 years.
Remembering her and the music she gave to the world I chose two of her songs from youtube:

Friday, May 18, 2012

Birthday Party Part I

Birthday Girl

I'm counting down to my Birthday next Monday. Tonight was party number one!
My two best friends H and E and I had dinner in a nice restaurant nearby.
Tomorrow I will prepare for party number two that will take place on Sunday.
Then on Monday party number three (with my colleagues) and number four (with my friend A).

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Last Night of the Season

Last night was the final night of the photoclub season. We have been evaluating the year and thought of some new ideas for the next season.
During the summer we will be having a photo-chain. One person starts the chain by sending a photo with a theme to the next person. This next person then will take a photo inspired by the photo that was sent by the first person. When the new season starts we will see what everyone has been sending in.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Going Out

After a hard day's work my colleague A and I are going out. Talking about everything that happened in the past year and everything what is maybe going to happen in the next year! We are not sure if we can keep our job a the end of this year. So, what better to do than having a good time and a glass of wine?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Pink Willow Tree

Pink Willow Tree

I have been cleaning up the garden today. The Japanese Cherry Blossom tree has now gotten rid of her pink blossoms, all the little pink petals were lying on my garden tiles. There is another pink tree in my garden: a Salix Integra 'Flamingo'. I love the combination of pink and green colours!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Vintage Shopping

I have been vintage-shopping on Saturday. This is what I've found. An oversized light blue jeans shirt. I'm quite happy with the shirt, it's comfortable and it looks good on me. I wear it with a silver broche.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Party at Work

Last week we had a party at work. Two of my colleagues had been working for 12.5 years at the hospital. Here we are - having cake and drinks in the restaurant. We presented some nice gifts to the two jubilee-girls.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Model Mirjam

Model Mirjam

Model Mirjam is last. This darkhaired beauty looks good in darker colours.
See more photo's of Mirjam and the other two models in June on:

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Model Amarins

Model Amarins

Model Amarins is next. She is a first time model and I think she is very talented! Dressed in orange, this seasons trend colour, which looks good on her.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Model Fardau

Model Fardau

This week I will show some photo's that I took on the modelshoot last Sunday.
Starting with Fardau, the model that I have worked with earlier.
All results of the shoot will be shown in June on my modelsite:

Monday, May 7, 2012

May 5th Festival


On May the 5th Groningen had his annual festival to remember the Liberation of Holland in 1945.
The Kyteman Orchestra performed among other artists.
I'm a fan of their music.
Here's an impression of the show on saturday:

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Model Workshop


I'm so happy about the Model Workshop that I organized today! All went so very well. The models were beautiful and patient while it was real cold and windy. And the photographers worked as a team and had inspiring ideas.

Saturday, May 5, 2012


A sweet picture of big sister L and new born little sister M.
Papa is watching.

Friday, May 4, 2012

May Edition Modelsite

On my modelsite you can find the results of the shoot with Model Lies and Special Guest Karin with her flower arrangements.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Simple Diet

While I am trying to recover from my intestinal flu I have to eat simple or else the whole story starts again.
Above my lunch: tea, an orange, cookies and a piece of apple.
Below my supper: rice with butter, sugar and cinnamon, a bowel drink and yoghurt dessert.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

New Baby!

There's a new person in my family. It's a baby girl! Born yesterday (May 1th 2012). Everything is well with mother and daughter!
Papa and big sister are very happy and proud.
I have not seen her yet. From what I've heard she is a very pretty little thing.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Garden of Mine

The Japanese Cherry Blossom is in full bloom now!
Also the so-called 'Kerria' shrub.
I'm afraid that my yellow rose tree is sick because there are no buds at all!
Meanwhile I am still feeling sick with my flu.
I hope tomorrow will be a better day.
Today my friend A cooked dinner for me!