Saturday, March 31, 2012

House for Sale!

I'm hearing voices all day! No, I've not gone mad. The neighbours house is being sold, so a lot of people come and see the place today. It is always scary to not know who is coming to live next door to you. I'll have to wait and see!

Friday, March 30, 2012


Flowergirl K

In the past weeks I have been photographing colleague K who likes to arrange flowers at the workplace. Here is one of the pictures. The rest will be shown on my site in May.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Online Today

Model Ineke
Photographer Lynn

Today on I posted two new photoseries.
First the fashionshoot with model Ineke and second the photo's of photographer Lynn.
So, what do you think of it?

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

A Day at the Office

Another day at the office. Today we had a meeting about the future of our work.
Due to coming changes at the workplace it is possible that I and my co-workers are going to be fired at the end of this year. Today we heard that there is a small chance to stay. There are going to be assessments from september till december. He/she who passes these tests has a chance to stay.  

Sunday, March 25, 2012


Brand New TV

Summer Weather

I'm having a very nice weekend. First on Saturday my new TV arrived. Every program looks better on the big screen, even the commercial breaks! 
On Sunday I have been outside. I have de-greened the garden tiles and cleaned up the old and dry autumn leaves. In the afternoon the temperatures got higher and higher, it felt like summer and the sun burned on my skin.
Also the 'Summertime' has started last night!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Voice Kids Finals

Winner Fabienne

Young singer Fabienne won the finals of The Voice Kids tonight. She had to compete with Dave and Vajen.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Last Night's Photoclub

I was at the Photoclub last night. Photographer Eli Dijkers - he is a former clubmember - showed us his latest photo's. I was impressed!
You can also watch Eli's work at

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hey, Big Spender!

On the first day of spring I bought this beautiful white 32 inch TV! It was not really a bargain but I hope I can enjoy watching it for many years to come.
Also today the weather was wonderful. I've spent the afternoon sitting in the sun in my garden. Today is the last day of my spring holiday. I will be working again tomorrow!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


I found my swimsuits on the internet: two tankini's. One in black and one in red, white and blue. They look okay on me and I'm quite happy with them.
The weather is also getting warmer every day, so, who knows, I can wear them this weekend!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Street Art

Here are some pictures that I took yesterday. I always love the graffiti artwork! I'm not sure what the last picture is about.... :-)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Room with a View

View from the balcony
The Other Side

I've spent my Sunday on the other side of town where my friend A lives.
After lunch we had a real long walk through the neighbourhood and found some interesting buildings and graffiti drawings on the way. Later that afternoon we watched some funny programs on TV and had spaghetti and wine for dinner. 

Saturday, March 17, 2012

A Night Out

I was out tonight with my two brothers and sisters-in-law. We started at the Turkish Restaurant where we had a very nice dinner. Then we looked around for a movie to watch, but there was no movie that we could agree upon, so we ended up at my place to have a drink. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

The Winner is.....

Bryan B wins a Million!

Bryan B wins the first finals of The Winner Is...... 
The big guy wins a big prize! One million euro's! 
He had tough competition from singer Jill and girlgroup CPG. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Colouring the Garden

My garden was quite empty till today. It needed a splash of colour. I went to the garden center to buy some spring flowers. I came home with flowers in every colour of the rainbow. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Letting Go

It's time to let a lot of things go. At the end of this year my house will be renovated and I will be having less space for all my things. Every month I select the things I can't use anymore. Today I had a big bag of clothes and a bag of kitchenware. I took it to the recycling shop. What I took back is a colourful chinese mug and a short linnen blouse/jacket.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Red Carpet Date

Famous Belgian Fries
Friend M
Me Eating a Salmon Wrap

Once a year M and I meet on the Red Carpet at the entrance of the V&D shopping center. We have lunch and talk about what has happened in the past year. When all stories are told we shop a little bit. Today I was looking for a new bathing suit, but I did not find a good one. We said goodbye after having a portion of that famous Belgian fries. Till next year!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

New Necklace

Necklace - Didi

Last Thursday I got this necklace from my colleague H. I like it very much. It looks a little bit like the necklaces that Marni is famous for. I've already tried it on. It goes with all my clothing!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

What I did today

New Buildings
Fresh Tulips
Sitting in the Sun

It was a lovely day today. Walking through the neighbourhood I found some new buildings that have been build in the last year. Next I cleaned my house and put some fresh tulips in vases. I also had tea with neighbour H. It was warm enough to sit outside in the sun. 

Friday, March 9, 2012

Last Night's Full Moon

Moon over the City

I loved the big full moon of last night! I was walking home from the citycenter when I found out how big and beautiful the moon was. The moon and stars were very clear and sparkly.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Only Tops with Print

Good old Martini

My colleague H and I went theme-shopping after work today.
Only Tops with Prints was the plan. It was difficult to find some good ones.
I finally found a dress with a print for spring. So I'm okay.
On the way we passed by the Martini Tower.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Night at the Photoclub

I was at the new photoclub tonight. A slideshow was shown about how to make your own theme shoot. It was my second night at the club, so I had to get myself acquainted to the members of the club. While the presentation was very interesting I was also very tired of communicating with all the people. But that's me......! Next time will be easier.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Spring is only a day away

Signs of Spring

Spring shows me more signs everyday that she is really going to start.
Only one day of rain - tomorrow - is expected. Nearer to the weekend it will be getting warmer. That's good because I'm planning a couple of days off.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Monday at Home

Lazy Lunch

I'm in my P.J.'s today. One lazy day in the week is a must for me! Sleeping in till about twelve o' clock, lunch, TV, with a good book and the latest style-bibles on the couch. A little bit of browsing on the internet. Tonight after dinner more laziness is to be expected. TV-programs as The Face and The Ultimate Dance Battle are on the agenda. Tomorrow I will be full of energy again when I'm going to work.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Birthday Party


A family meeting today! Nephew S-A invited me for his birthday party. On the photo above you can see little niece L trying to eat all the snacks. The weather was very nice, so traveling was very pleasurable.

Model Ineke

Pretty in Pink

Guestphotographer L en I did a photoshoot with Ineke today. Although the weather was a little cloudy and cold the results were okay. After the shoot we warmed ourself with hot chocolate and cake. Ineke's photo's will be shown in de April edition of

Friday, March 2, 2012

Brand New Bag

Brand New Bag

Liesbeth made this bag for me last week. I love it very much! 
It is made from old Belgian post bags. 
You can see more bags made by Liesbeth on

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ninety-one years!

My Father turns Ninety-one!
Miniature Farmwagon
Niece J as a Topmodel

The reason why I went to Friesland was to meet my family to celebrate my father's 91th birthday. He is still in good health. He made that little green/red farmers wagon for me wich is very cool! My niece J and I did a modelshoot: I think she has talent!