Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011!

Only nine hours of 2011 left.......

It was a very special year for me. I did more and more modelshoots and learned how to make better pictures. You can find the results when you visit my website Also I took classes in streetphotogaphy which was very interesting. I'll show you some results later!
2011 was also a very musical year. The choir rehearsed for five months to perform during Christmastime in the hospital. It was great fun!
So now I say goodbye to 2011 en I hope 2012 will also be a good year!

Friday, December 30, 2011

What to Wear in December?

Here are some outfits that I wore in December.

Pendant - Vanilia

Kimono - H&M

Choir Outfit - Origin Unknown

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Meet the Cat

Hello! This beautiful cat is called Zilvester. Zilvester lives in my friends house.
I don't remember whether Zilvester is a he or a she. Ooooops!
Never mind! Enjoy the pictures:

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Makeover Part One and Two

Part One:
I like to apply makeup on peoples faces. My friend E was so kind to volunteer for a makeover.
She wore a purple jacket and dress, so I used pink and purple colors on her eyes and a soft red on her lips.
Here's the Before and After:


Part Two:
Not only E wanted to have a makeover but also her sister M.
M feels good in autumn colors. I applied brown and turquoise colors on her eyes and dark pink lipstick on her lips.
Here she is in the Before and After:

Black and White

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

And so this was Christmas

Here are some photographs of the Christmas decorations in my friends house.
She had a theme of white, light and silver. It looked like a snowwhite winter landscape. Spacey and beautiful!

Monday, December 26, 2011

Just came Home

I just came home. I've spent the Christmas Weekend with my dear friends. It was really nice. Music, dinner, and fun! I will post more photo's later this week!

Christmassy Fruit - Pomegranate

Saturday, December 24, 2011

How was Your Week?

Well, my week was quite hectic, but really fun! Today I slept in till about twelve o'clock and had a very slow start. After breakfast I needed to do some house cleaning and get ready for Christmas Eve.
At this moment I'm slowing down and get relaxed.
Later today I will prepare a nice Christmas meal. Not sure what I will be cooking. 
Have a nice Christmas weekend! Love!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Choir Again

So today we went singing again. We performed at a Christmas party of the Department of Neurology in our hospital. We got a big applause (and wine and snacks!) 
I will now post the pictures of last Tuesday. Here they are.

I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas

And so this is Christmas

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Lots of Cards

Angelic Music

I received lots of Christmas cards today! Very sweet and creative.
Thanks everybody! I wish you the same!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Our Christmas Choir

The Christmas Choir, formed by my colleagues and me, did perform three times today. We all work in a local hospital where we visited the patients who have to stay in during Christmas. It was a great succes!
We were even invited to repeat our performance on Thursday 22th of December. Then we will be singing before doctors and office personnel.
I promise to post some pictures later this week!

Monday, December 19, 2011

My Camera

This month you can find the shoot with model Titia on my website
Here's one picture of her. 

Townhall of Groningen

My camera is a Nikon D3000. Today I found out that there's a problem with the camera which I cannot fix by myself. So, that's a pity while I was just planning to use it for this blog.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday At Home

I started this blog on Sunday the 18th of December 2011. 
It will be a visual diary in which I can show you the things I like.
For more model and style pictures you can visit my website